> [!title|noicon] **Home/Site Index** <br><font size=3 color=red>Click on the site name to return to this page.</font> ^top <font size=2>[Statement of Beneficence and Benevolence](Beneficence%20and%20Benevolence.md) <font size=2>&#8226; The Bible *alone* is the sole Authority. &#8226; No email subscriptions. No ads for purchases. No personal data or analytics tracked by this site. &#8226; Not affiliated with other ministries of the same name as this website. &#8226; Active since 2012. </font> <br> *To the law and to the testimony: If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.* (Isaiah 8:20) ~ ##### **CHRIST, SALVATION . . .** [Jesus Saves HIS People](Jesus%20Saves%20HIS%20People%20(Pt%201).md) &#x2022; Jesus receives ALL of the glory in the salvation of His people [Christ, the End of the Law <i>for Righteousness</i>](Christ,%20The%20End%20of%20the%20Law%20for%20(God's)%20Righteousness.md) &#x2022; Christ is <i>God's</i> righteousness Whom we need for salvation [Christ, the More Excellent Way](Christ,%20the%20More%20Excellent%20Way.md) &#x2022; Christ embodies the love of God [Faith Which Works By Love](Faith%20Which%20Works%20By%20Love.md) &#x2022; Faith, no matter how strong, is dead without the love of Christ <br> ##### **UNFOLDING THE BIBLE . . .** [Line Upon Line: The Bible's Own (and Only) Method of Interpretation](Line%20Upon%20Line,%20The%20Bible's%20Own%20(and%20Only)%20Method%20of%20Interpretation.md) &#x2022; God Himself interprets His inspired Word as a self-contained spiritual dictionary and thesaurus [2 Trees in the Garden of Eden](2%20Trees%20in%20the%20Garden%20of%20Eden.md) &#x2022; Represent life and death for the human race, and the fatal selection [2 Trees in the Garden of Eden (Pt 2)](Agreement%20Against%20God.md) &#x2022; The deadly agreement against God [A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey](A%20Land%20Flowing%20with%20Milk%20and%20Honey.md) &#x2022; Is a land flowing with God's Word, pointing to Heaven itself [A Noonday to the Ark](A%20Noonday%20to%20the%20Ark.md) &#x2022; The construction of the ark represents redemption in Christ [Psalm 1, The Tree of Life](Psalm%201,%20The%20Tree%20of%20Life.md) &#x2022; Represents Christ, from the Garden of Eden to Revelation <br> ##### **LAZARUS AND HIS SISTER LEAD TO THE CROSS . . .** [Christ Memorializes Lazarus' Sister](Christ%20Memorializes%20Lazarus'%20Sister.md) &#x2022; Wherever the True Gospel is declared her good deed is published [Jesus Gladly Waited For Lazarus To Die](Jesus%20Gladly%20Waited%20For%20Lazarus%20To%20Die.md) &#x2022; Raising Lazarus from the grave demonstrates the power of God to save and instigated the crucifixion of Christ [Was Lazarus the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved Instead of John?](Was%20Lazarus%20the%20Disciple%20Whom%20Jesus%20Loved%20Instead%20of%20John.md) &#x2022; Lazarus, or John? <br> ##### **THE END OF THE AGES . . .** [Death Is Still The Wages For Sin](Death%20Is%20Still%20The%20Wages%20For%20Sin.md) &#x2022; In every age, Christ continues to be the only Escape from eternal death [God Gave Them Up](God%20Gave%20Them%20Up.md) &#x2022; As they reveled in their passions [Gog and Magog Against the Camp of the Saints](Gog%20and%20Magog%20Against%20the%20Camp%20of%20the%20Saints.md) &#x2022; The final battleground disclosed [Life Is Short, For Years To Come](Life%20Is%20Short,%20For%20Years%20To%20Come.md) &#x2022; The ironic contradiction of this world [More Tolerable for Sodom And Gomorrah](More%20Tolerable%20for%20Sodom%20And%20Gomorrah.md) &#x2022; How can suffering fire from heaven be more tolerable than the final judgment? [We're In the Little Season](We're%20In%20the%20Little%20Season.md) &#x2022; Life in this world is certifiably short in our day <br> ##### **REFLECTIONS . . .** [God's Boundless Universe](God's%20Boundless%20Universe.md) &#x2022; God's infinite creation is a mere reflection of His eternal Nature [Just Think...](Just%20Think....md) &#x2022; We could never begin to apprehend God's infinite Being [Truth is Freedom](Truth%20is%20Freedom.md) &#x2022; The Truth of God brings everlasting freedom [What Does The Bible Say About ...](What%20Does%20The%20Bible%20Say%20About%20....md) &#x2022; See if your question is answered here <br> ##### **VERSE-BY-VERSE STUDIES . . .** [Jeremiah](Jeremiah%201.md)&nbsp;&nbsp;(*in progress...*) &#x2022; Prophetically applies to our day [Revelation](Revelation%201.md)&nbsp;&nbsp;(*in progress...*) &#x2022; Almost entirely fulfilled <!--- [Bible Manifest](Bible%20Books%20Navigation.md) &#x2022; Comparing spiritual things with spiritual --> <br> ##### **FAMILY STATIONS STUDIES (PDF Archive) . . .** [The Fig Tree](The%20Fig%20Tree.pdf) &#x2022; Analysis on the future of national Israel [Genesis 2](Genesis%202.pdf) &#x2022; The Glorious Garden of Eden [Psalm 51](Psalm%2051.pdf) &#x2022; A Broken and Contrite Heart [Psalm 90](Psalm%2090.pdf) &#x2022; God is eternal [The Gospel According to Mark](Mark.pdf) &#x2022; Verse by verse of the entire book [Luke 1-2](Luke%201-2.pdf) &#x2022; The births of John and Jesus [John 17](John%2017.pdf) &#x2022; Christ's prayer for His people [Galatians](Galatians.pdf) &#x2022; What is the True Gospel? [Colossians 3](Colossians%203.pdf) &#x2022; True Christian living [1 John](1%20John.pdf) &#x2022; God's Great Love (verse by verse) [Exposition of Revelation](Revelation.pdf) &#x2022; Verse by verse of the entire book. <br><br> Tags: #library