> [!title|noicon] **Home/Site Index** <br><font size=3 color=red>Click on the site name to return to this page.</font> ^top <font size=2>[Statement of Beneficence and Benevolence](Beneficence%20and%20Benevolence.md) <font size=2>&#8226; The Bible *alone* is the sole Authority. &#8226; No email subscriptions. No ads for purchases. No personal data or analytics tracked by this site. &#8226; Not affiliated with other ministries of the same name as this website. &#8226; Active since 2012. </font> <br> *To the law and to the testimony: If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.* (Isaiah 8:20) *[God] has made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.* (Acts 17:26-28) ~ ##### **CHRIST, SALVATION . . .** [Jesus Saves HIS People](Jesus%20Saves%20HIS%20People%20(Pt%201).md) &#x2022; Jesus receives ALL of the glory in the salvation of His people [Christ, the End of the Law <i>for Righteousness</i>](Christ,%20The%20End%20of%20the%20Law%20for%20(God's)%20Righteousness.md) &#x2022; Christ is <i>God's</i> righteousness Whom we need for salvation [Christ, the More Excellent Way](Christ,%20the%20More%20Excellent%20Way.md) &#x2022; Christ embodies the love of God [Faith Which Works By Love](Faith%20Which%20Works%20By%20Love.md) &#x2022; Faith, no matter how strong, is dead without the love of Christ <br> ##### **UNFOLDING THE BIBLE . . .** [Line Upon Line: The Bible's Own (and Only) Method of Interpretation](Line%20Upon%20Line,%20The%20Bible's%20Own%20(and%20Only)%20Method%20of%20Interpretation.md) &#x2022; God Himself interprets His inspired Word as a self-contained spiritual dictionary and thesaurus [2 Trees in the Garden of Eden](2%20Trees%20in%20the%20Garden%20of%20Eden.md) &#x2022; Represent life and death for the human race, and the fatal selection [2 Trees in the Garden of Eden (Pt 2)](Agreement%20Against%20God.md) &#x2022; The deadly agreement against God [A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey](A%20Land%20Flowing%20with%20Milk%20and%20Honey.md) &#x2022; Is a land flowing with God's Word, pointing to Heaven itself [A Noonday to the Ark](A%20Noonday%20to%20the%20Ark.md) &#x2022; The construction of the ark represents redemption in Christ [Psalm 1, The Tree of Life](Psalm%201,%20The%20Tree%20of%20Life.md) &#x2022; Represents Christ, from the Garden of Eden to Revelation <br> ##### **LAZARUS AND HIS SISTER LEAD TO THE CROSS . . .** [Christ Memorializes Lazarus' Sister](Christ%20Memorializes%20Lazarus'%20Sister.md) &#x2022; Wherever the True Gospel is declared her good deed is published [Jesus Gladly Waited For Lazarus To Die](Jesus%20Gladly%20Waited%20For%20Lazarus%20To%20Die.md) &#x2022; Raising Lazarus from the grave demonstrates the power of God to save and instigated the crucifixion of Christ [Was Lazarus the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved Instead of John?](Was%20Lazarus%20the%20Disciple%20Whom%20Jesus%20Loved%20Instead%20of%20John.md) &#x2022; Lazarus, or John? <br> ##### **THE END OF THE AGES . . .** [Death Is Still The Wages For Sin](Death%20Is%20Still%20The%20Wages%20For%20Sin.md) &#x2022; In every age, Christ continues to be the only Escape from eternal death [God Gave Them Up](God%20Gave%20Them%20Up.md) &#x2022; As they reveled in their passions [Gog and Magog Against the Camp of the Saints](Gog%20and%20Magog%20Against%20the%20Camp%20of%20the%20Saints.md) &#x2022; The final battleground disclosed [Life Is Short, For Years To Come](Life%20Is%20Short,%20For%20Years%20To%20Come.md) &#x2022; The ironic contradiction of this world [More Tolerable for Sodom And Gomorrah](More%20Tolerable%20for%20Sodom%20And%20Gomorrah.md) &#x2022; How can suffering fire from heaven be more tolerable than the final judgment? [We're In the Little Season](We're%20In%20the%20Little%20Season.md) &#x2022; Life in this world is certifiably short in our day <br> ##### **REFLECTIONS . . .** [God's Boundless Universe](God's%20Boundless%20Universe.md) &#x2022; God's infinite creation is a mere reflection of His eternal Nature [Just Think...](Just%20Think....md) &#x2022; We could never begin to apprehend God's infinite Being [Truth is Freedom](Truth%20is%20Freedom.md) &#x2022; The Truth of God brings everlasting freedom [What Does The Bible Say About ...](What%20Does%20The%20Bible%20Say%20About%20....md) &#x2022; See if your question is answered here <br> ##### **VERSE-BY-VERSE STUDIES . . .** [Jeremiah](Jeremiah%201.md)&nbsp;&nbsp;(*in progress...*) &#x2022; Prophetically applies to our day [Revelation](Revelation%201.md)&nbsp;&nbsp;(*in progress...*) &#x2022; Almost entirely fulfilled <!--- [Bible Manifest](Bible%20Books%20Navigation.md) &#x2022; Comparing spiritual things with spiritual --> <br> ##### **FAMILY STATIONS STUDIES (PDF Archive) . . .** [The Fig Tree](The%20Fig%20Tree.pdf) &#x2022; Analysis on the future of national Israel [Genesis 2](Genesis%202.pdf) &#x2022; The Glorious Garden of Eden [Psalm 51](Psalm%2051.pdf) &#x2022; A Broken and Contrite Heart [Psalm 90](Psalm%2090.pdf) &#x2022; God is eternal [The Gospel According to Mark](Mark.pdf) &#x2022; Verse by verse of the entire book [Luke 1-2](Luke%201-2.pdf) &#x2022; The births of John and Jesus [John 17](John%2017.pdf) &#x2022; Christ's prayer for His people [Galatians](Galatians.pdf) &#x2022; What is the True Gospel? [Colossians 3](Colossians%203.pdf) &#x2022; True Christian living [1 John](1%20John.pdf) &#x2022; God's Great Love (verse by verse) [Exposition of Revelation](Revelation.pdf) &#x2022; Verse by verse of the entire book. <br><br> Tags: #library